16-3/4″ 5M Cameron Type U Double Ram & Single RAM BOPS FOR SALE OR RENT *MAKE OFFER*
BOP, 16-3/4″ 5M Cameron Type U Single Ram 5K, 5,000 PSI Flange Top x Flange Bottom w 2 Ea. Flange Side Outlets c/w Standard Bonnet Assemblies and Manual Locking Screw Assemblies, Stainless Steel Lined Ring Grooves, H2S Trim. Original Cameron Manufacture
*For Sale or Rent w/depsoit
*Can be offered as remanufactured by API 16A and ISO 9001 Licensed Facility

BOP, 16-3/4″ 5M Cameron Type U Double Ram 5K, 5,000 PSI Flange Top x Flange Bottom w 2 Ea. Flange Side Outlets c/w Standard Bonnet Assemblies and Manual Locking Screw Assemblies, Stainless Steel Lined Ring Grooves, H2S Trim. Original Cameron Manufacture
*Can be offered as remanufactured by API 16A and ISO 9001 Licensed Facility