1500HP DC Electric Drilling Rig w/ Top Drive – Used
DRAWWORKS: 1500HP powered by two, 800HP DC traction motors.
ENGINES / GENERATOR: Three (3) Cummins KTA50 diesel engines each rated at 1470HP / Engines Unitized with AVK 1100KW generators supplying power to SCR. 12,000 GAL Fuel Tank
MAST: 136’ telescoping mast with 750,000# hookload. Accommodates 350 Ton Top Drive
SUB STRUCTURE: 22’ hydraulically telescoping substructure rated at 735,000# and 400,000# setback. Rig floor and substructure use integrated drainage system.
ROTARY: Emsco Type 37½ Rotary independently driven by one 800HP Traction motor.
BOP: One (1) 13-5/8’’ 10M Shaffer Type Double Ram BOP
One (1) 13-5/8’’ 10M Shaffer Type Single Ram BOP
One (1) 13-5/8’’ 5M Shaffer Type annula
One (1) Koomey 6 station accumulator, API 16E. A 10M flexible choke line and 4’ X 4’’ 10M choke manifold.
MUD PUMPS: Two (2) F-1600 triplex mud pumps each pump is equipped DC traction motors rated at 1600HP
MUD SYSTEM: 848 Barrels Total Active Capacity. Two Covered 424 Barrel Tanks with round bottoms and electric agitators for optimum mixing/blending and ease of clean out. Each tank contains two 5 X 6 X 75HP centrifugal pumps. Hopper is remote for ease of use with bulk tanks. Three Brandt King Cobra Shakers, Brandt DG-10 degasser and Brandt 16 Cone desilter are allunitized on a hydraulically raised mud processing skid. A separate skid incorporates one 106 barrel trip tank with 2X3X25HP centrifugal pump.
TOP DRIVE: Canrig 350 Ton AC (with “Rockit” Capability)
OVERHEAD STRING: One (1) 400 ton, six sheave block, with a 12 line string up of 1-3/8’’
DRILLER CONTROLS: Varco Electronic Driller and Block Control System enable near steady state WOB while drilling. Block speed controls minimize swab and surge pressures and increase tripping efficiency. Drawworks speed is joystick controlled with touch screen and manual control of EDrill and SCR
Mathey wireline unit with 25,000’ of .092 wireline
Motorized drill line spool
Toolpusher and crew quarters
Meeting and Change House Combo with A/C
Hydraulic Pipe and Kelly Spinner
Hot Water Power Washer
0-7 degree drift indicator
Varco Electronic Drilling Recorder
*The rig is in good used working condition. The rig can be fully rigged up and tested prior to shipment from Texas.